Does your business contribute to a charitable cause in the community, country or world? Have you thought about incorporating this into your business strategy?

In 2012, according to the, small and mid-sized business owners in Canada contributed over 25 billion annually to charitable causes. The average percentage of revenue donated was reported as 9.3%.

We’ve curated a few articles to share some insights on how small businesses (and some big business) have gone about this strategy with some ideas on how you can get started in your community right away!

Make Giving Part of Your Business Strategy via Bloomberg Business

Bill & Melinda Gates (25-minute Ted Talk): “Why Giving Away our Wealth Has Been the Most satisfying thing…”

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(Or check out the Generosity playlist on

Via Inc.Com – 10 Ways to Give Back To Your Community

MoneySense: 2015Canada’s Top-Rated Charities

Do you have questions about the tax benefits of philanthropic contributions or would you like to discuss how to integrate small acts of kindness into your business plan? Call 905-750-0032 today to book discussion time with Ian.